Η έκθεση CLEAN EXPO θα πραγματοποιηθεί με την αιγίδα της CINET


CINET (Comité International De L`Entretien du Textile) was founded 35 years ago and grew to become a global umbrella association with 100+ members (national associations, international suppliers, research institutes and individual companies). CINET aims to build a global network of experts, stimulate the implementation of innovation by exchanging information and profile the capabilities of the industry (a.o. with Global Awards).

To work on these goals CINET executes a yearly research agenda and offers an International Certification Program on best practices through step-by-step e-learning, workshops and on the job training. This leads to accredited (CERTEX®) or non-accredited (CERCLEAN®) certification with ISO and EN (hygiene) standards. 




Για επικοινωνία με την Διοργάνωση


Athens Τel: +30 210 6619827, +30 2106610466

Email: contact@cleanexpo.eu